
The term "FITS" actually means HPSC FITS night. The financial statements, below, are copied straight from the spreadsheets.

Bank Statement 2013

April 1 2013 to April 1 2012 to
Oct 31 2013 % March 31 2013 % change
Membership 985.00 870.00 115.00
Total Revenues 985.00 100% 870.00 100% 115.00
Booth Rental FITS 1 0.0% 169.50 19.5% (169.50)
Promotion 0.0% 57.02 6.6% (57.02)
Meetup Fees 0.0% 72.00 8.3% (72.00)
Web Hosting 52.84 5.4% 56.44 6.5% (3.60)
Party 200.00 20.3% 200.00 23.0% -
Bank Charges 2 34.65 3.5% 71.90 8.3% (37.25)
Postage 0.0% 13.67 1.6% (13.67)
Printing 49.72 5.0% 0.0% 49.72
Total Expenditures 337.21 34.2% 640.53 73.6% (303.32)
Increase (Decrease) cash balance 647.79 229.47 418.32
Cash Balance Beginning Year 2,277.99 2,048.52
Cash Balance ending 2,925.78 2,277.99


  1. Last Year: includes FITS night Apr 2012 ($113) and April 2013 ($56.50)
  2. Last Year: bank charges were higher because of stop payment on cheque to Bruno at Toronto High Park Bicycle Club. The cheque was lost in the mail.

Bank Statement 2012

April 1 2012 to April 1 2011 to
September 30 2012 March 31 2012 change
Membership 825.00 690.00 135.00
Total Revenues 825.00 100% 690.00 100% 135.00
Booth Rental FITS 113.00 13.7% 0.0% 113.00
Promotion 57.02 6.9% 39.03 5.7% 17.99
Meetup Fees 72.00 8.7% 0.0% 72.00
Organizers Dinner 0.0% 0.0% -
Party 200.00 24.2% 200.00 29.0% -
Bank Charges 34.70 1.1% 59.40 8.6% (24.75)
Postage 0.0% 0.0% -
Total Expenditures 476.67 55.8% 298.43 43.3% 178.24
Increase (Decrease) cash balance 378.33 391.57 (38.29)
Cash Balance Beginning Year 2,048.52 1,656.95
Cash Balance ending 2,426.85 2,048.52


  1. Last year: FITS Booth Rental was prepaid March 31 2011

Bank Statement 2011

April 1 2011 to April 1 2010 to
March 31 2012 March 31 2011 change
Membership 690.00 870.00 (180.00)
Total Revenues 690.00 100% 870.00 100% (180.00)
Booth Rental FITS 0.0% 113.00 13.0% (113.00)
Promotion 39.03 5.7% - 0.0% 39.03
Insurance 0.0% 369.22 42.4% (369.22)
Organizers Dinner 0.0% 70.00 8.0% (70.00)
Party 200.00 29.0% 300.00 34.5% (100.00)
Bank Charges 59.40 8.6% 59.40 6.8% -
Postage 0.0% - 0.0% -
IMBA Membership 0.0% - 0.0% -
Total Expenditures 298.43 43.3% 911.62 104.8% (613.19)
Increase (Decrease) cash balance 391.57 (41.62) 433.19
Cash Balance Beginning Year 1,656.95 1,698.57
Cash Balance End of Year 2,048.52 1,656.95


  1. Last year: FITS Booth Rental was prepaid for this year
  2. No insurance this year because McKay Insurane cancelled our policy